Hello! I'm Jimmy Haboon!
I am aiming towards creating the best in interactive entertainment by making games that change the way people have fun.

I am a Gameplay Programmer that is eager and passionate about learning and creating the best strategies to create intuitive and innovative user interactions and gameplay mechanics. I have experience with creating games in both Unity and Unreal 4. I am familiar with C#, C++, Python, JavaScript, and HTML.
I firmly believe that gameplay mechanics trump over graphics. I am currently aspiring to reignite the creative enjoyment that I had growing up playing games. Games should be about bringing people together in order to have fun and laugh about regardless of whether or not it looks good. The longevity of games should be focused on gameplay that can last several generations rather than let's buy this game that plays poorly but looks great.

What I Am About
I've worked together with a few small student-led teams to create small projects over the course of a single semester. A couple of games such as Gastropoda and WYIM were made with a small team of programmers where we learned how to work together and communicate what needed to be worked on or bug fixed. Lyram was worked on with me as the sole programmer for that project and communication with the art, sound, and story team was crucial for development.
Working in small teams allowed for ideas to easily be bounced around and brainstormed. Thinking of new mechanics, level-design, and keeping the code efficient was a fun experience to learn and develop. Lyram was a project where I was the sole programmer in a team with no experience with coding. I pitched ideas and demonstrated how certain mechanics would work and brought the team together in order to understand the scope of what we can work with.
During my time at Georgia State University, I was a part of PantherDev which is a game development club. Meeting others with the same interest and learning about the pipeline of what developing a game on a smaller scale was very interesting and allowed me to strive to work harder to create and continue to innovate.